
pack up



pack up为短语/超纲词汇

近义词, 同义词

pack up

(infml 口)
(a) stop doing sth; give up or abandon sth 不再做某事; 放弃某事物
*Business is terrible I might as well pack up. 生意很不好做--我还是关门算了.
(b) (of a machine, engine, etc) stop working or operating; break down (指机器、发动机等)不工作或不运转, 出毛病, 有故障
*My car has packedup. 我的汽车坏了. pack (sth) up put (one's possessions) into cases, etc before leaving a place 将(东西)装箱打包离开某地
*He packed up his things and left. 他把东西装进箱子里就动身了.
1. Nothing to do now but pack."

2. He put it back into his pack, rose to his feet and continued.

3. Like men we´ll face the murderous, cowardly pack,
